What is Intergroup?

When several groups form in an area, they soon realize that they can better perform together rather than separately. Groups may form an intergroup that is directly responsible to the groups it serves. Intergroups spring from a need to provide service for a number of local groups and to provide better information about OA in a community (adapted from OA Handbook for Members, Groups, and Service Bodies).

Intergroup Members


Co-Chair: Amy A

Co-Chair: Kit D

Secretary: Brooke S

Treasurer: Lori H

World Service Delegate: Debbie SP

Region 5 Representatives: Barb H, Suzy R


Newcomer’s Advocate: Harriette

Outreach Advocate: Traci B

Zoom Captain: Sonja F

Communications Coordinator: Sharon B

Meeting List Coordinator: Sonja F

Web Administrator: Sharon B

Zoom/Phone Token Coordinator: Cindy G